Dit is uit zijn leven gegrepen.
Dit is uit zijn leven een greep.
Het geluk is altijd met de lepen.
Ja, daar zit hem nou net nou de kneep.
Jan Mark zag 't levenslicht, toen 't broertje al was geboren.
Hij was een 5 ponds wicht, maar dat kon hem niet storen
Zo werd "Jongetje de Haan" in de couveus' gesmeten.
Hij was ton al heel druk en moest eerst wat kalmeren.
Toch kon het niet meer stuk. Kon hij het "bikk'len" leren.
Toen hij een peuter was, was hij al ondernemend.
Met broer gaf hij eens gas paard en brommer tussen tenen.
De luier om de kont vertrokken zij naar 't noorden
Voor mij wordt dit te bont, sprak buurvrouw boos met woorden.
Dit is uit zijn leven gegrepen.
Dit is uit zijn leven een greep.
Het geluk is altijd met de lepen.
Ja, daar zit hem nou net nou de kneep.
Neef Jan was Sinterklaas en nam Piet Carla mee toen
Telefoongesprekken dwaas kon hij onder een matras doen.
Eens op de kleuterschool sprak juf over de schepping.
Jan Mark vond dat heel mooi en moest dat toen ook zeggen.
Hij liep dus naar het raam en sprak toen tot de klas,waar haalde hij 't vandaan:
"God zag, dat alles goed was!"
Hij ruilde paard voor fiets.
Dat was nog met drie wielen.
Ze vonden dat nog niets, toen ze bij een skelter knielden.
Hij reed ook over 't spoor en zag daar rails en trein
Bij moeder op de fiets;
moest over de "Boing, Boing" zijn!
Dit is uit zijn leven gegrepen.
Dit is uit zijn leven een greep
Het geluk is altijd met de lepen.
Ja, daar zit hem nou net nou de kneep.
Hij speelde met Marthijs en zat met touw aan boom vast.
Bij hun was 't altijd prijs; nooit deed er niemand nooit wat.
Dat was in de "Dolin".
Joost weet, wat dit mocht wezen.
Op schoolplein, in de tuin zij konden heel goed spelen.
Dan kreeg je voor je bloemen.
Hij schoot toen in de roos, als "baby huilen" weer mocht zoemen.
Jan Mark wist wel een naam
Voor 't kind dat moest geboren.
"Wij noemen het dan "Vaas".
Dat kan mij wel bekoren".
Jan Mark vond trein dus fijn,
Hij kreeg een conducteurs set.
Hij kreeg een conducteurs set.
Wou graag omroeper zijn
Met "attentieroeper" naar bed
Dit is uit zijn leven gegrepen.
Dit is uit zijn leven een greep.
Het geluk is altijd met de lepen.
Ja, daar zit hem nou net nou de kneep.
Het fietsen ging nog niet.
Hij reed nog op 4 wielen.
en tot zijn groot verdriet zei papa:
"Nu niet pielen!"
Naar Mokkenburgerweg op 't fietsje met 2 räder
Hij greep Jan in de nek:
Nu gaan wij op en neder!"
Schrok hij zich toen een breuk?
Wij zullen het niet leren.
Jan Mark vond het niet leuk, maar ze gingen hem opereren.
Hij was toen wel wat bang. Moeder moest dat voor hem schrijven,
maar het duurde niet zo lang, dat hij daar moest verblijven.
Jan Mark vond het niet leuk, maar ze gingen hem opereren.
Hij was toen wel wat bang. Moeder moest dat voor hem schrijven,
Ook viel hij op de brug.
Hij had te ruig gereden.
En vallen gaat heel vlug,
Als je bent uitgegleden.
Hij schrok zich toen wel rot.
Hij maakte daar een schuiver en had de knie kapot.
Je ziet nog hoe hij huivert.
Dit is uit zijn leven gegrepen.
Dit is uit zijn leven een greep.
Het geluk is altijd met de lepen.
Ja, daar zit hem nou net nou de kneep.
Verkleden was vertier, vooral Sinterklaasje spelen.
Met papa naar klas vier en daar kado's uitdelen.
Hij viel ook van een paard.
Dat was nog bij de Komas.
Hij greep één bij zijn staart die in Collendoorn op vlucht was.
Hij wandelde ook slaap, als hij intens gespeeld had.
Je schrok je dan een aap, als hij met gras in bed lag.
Lego is 't verhaal apart.
Wat kon hij daar mee spelen!
Elke verjaardag kreeg hij wat.
Hij kon zich nooit vervelen.
Dit is uit zijn leven gegrepen.
Dit is uit zijn leven een greep
Het geluk is altijd met de lepen.
Ja, daar zit hem nou net nou de kneep.
"Er zijn mannen in mijn kamer!"
Hij was ook van de kook, als kikkers uit dril kwamen.
In de compostbak kweekte hij met dril zijn eigen kikkers.
Met één was hij al blij.
Dat was leuker dan wat knikkers.
Hij had wel wat met vee.
Wij horen nog zijn :Ente!"
"Cold Turkey!" deed ook mee,
liep hij in Schimmert mee te venten.
De stoomtrein was er ook.
Hij ging toen naar Enkhuizen.
Tot hij aan muziek rook met de mollen en de kruisen.
Zo kwam er toen een band.
't Was "Tjobbe met zijn rekels"!
Die Tjobbe was bekend, maar rekels? Beatles zeker!
Dit is uit zijn leven gegrepen.
Dit is uit zijn leven een greep.
Het geluk is altijd met de lepen.
Ja, daar zit hem nou net nou de kneep.
Jan Mark had hem op sleeptouw en Niels volgde ook 't spoor,
zelfs een scheet liet hij als Jan 't wou.
Sigaren roken? Fijn! Maar dat moet dan wel stiekem.
Ze deden dat op t plein Je zag rook boven heg uitpieken.
Naar Utrecht voor 't spoor, want moeder houdt van reizen.
"Ik heb Jan Mark wel door. Ze maken hem daar wijzer.
"Ik reis nu wat ik kn, al ben 'k ook zwaar verkouden".
Op rooftocht ging hij zelfs. Hij zocht dan spoorpresentjes.
Wat souvenirs van 't spoor, t opknappen kostte centjes.
Dit is uit zijn leven gegrepen.
Dit is uit zijn leven een greep.
Het geluk is altijd met de lepen.
Ja, daar zit hem nou net nou de kneep.
Op de MTS was hij net als een vis in 't water.
Op die school was hij blij.
Je hoorde 't aan 't gesnater.
Ook foto's van het spoor die maakte hij om 't leven.
Als ik zijn pa nog hoor, zit hij van de kosten nog te beven.
Hij werkte in 't ziekenhuis.
Dat heette bij hem "Jopen".
Hij trok wat buizen uit en moest daar veel bij lopen.
Shag roppen kan hij goed.
Hij ging als Loes naar Hak toe.
Hij ging als Loes naar Hak toe.
Bij opa: "Eet maar goed!",
nam zijn gewicht steeds meer toe.
nam zijn gewicht steeds meer toe.
Voor alles had hij tijd.
Ging pa met dia's helpen.
Voor "Tribunaal" en trein waren acties niet te stelpen.
Dit is uit zijn leven gegrepen.
Dit is uit zijn leven een greep.
Het geluk is altijd met de lepen.
Ja, daar zit hem nou net nou de kneep.
Hij ging naar Zweden toe Met Harald in den vreemde.
Ver van zijn huis en moe.
Soms had hij dat ontheemde.
Vooral de eerste Kerst zat hij in piele eentje.
Hoe gauw dat anders werd, daarvoor zit je hier.
Dat weet je. Want in dit land zo mooi
Heeft hij haar gauw gevonden.
Hij dacht: "Als ik het rooi"
Heb ik als Bob het nu gewonnen.
Hallo Boppes en Jan Mark
Hij is vandaag aan 't trouwen
En Lisa, houd hem vast, hij zit van alles uit te brouwen.
Dit was uit zijn leven gegrepen.
Dit was uit zijn leven een greep.
Het geluk is altijd met de lepen.
Ja, daar zit hem nou net nou de kneep.
En de plaat!...............en de platen zijn van
Jan Mark
Some moments of his early life
Jan Mark was born nearly 1 hour after his brother.
He was hardly 5 pounds and look at him now!
There was no name for him, because his parents did not know anything about twins coming.
A girl would have got the name MARJAN, so they turned the name around.
On a wristband was written: "Little boy De Haan".
Jan Mark was born nearly 1 hour after his brother.
He was hardly 5 pounds and look at him now!
There was no name for him, because his parents did not know anything about twins coming.
A girl would have got the name MARJAN, so they turned the name around.
On a wristband was written: "Little boy De Haan".
He was than already a busy body and had to be calmed down with medicine, perhaps because his birth was a narrow escape.
At that moment he really had to come out.
As a little boy he could not stay on one spot, so he left the house with his brother dressed in pampers sitting on a horse and a scooter.
They were heading north.
Mrs. Neighbour was angry.
She said: "You have to take better care of your children!
At that moment he really had to come out.
As a little boy he could not stay on one spot, so he left the house with his brother dressed in pampers sitting on a horse and a scooter.
They were heading north.
Mrs. Neighbour was angry.
She said: "You have to take better care of your children!
Nephew Jan Jacob played Saint Nicolas a roman Catholic priest with his coloured helper "Zwarte (black) Piet"
They brought the presents for the twins on 5 december, birthday of Saint- Nicolas.
Nephew Jan Jacob played Saint Nicolas a roman Catholic priest with his coloured helper "Zwarte (black) Piet"
They brought the presents for the twins on 5 december, birthday of Saint- Nicolas.
When Jan Mark was staying in Zandvoort at his aunts, he walked in the livingroom coming out of his bed with the bed tied on his back.
He went to the phone, picked it up and said:
He put the phone down and went back to the sleeping-room.
He went to the phone, picked it up and said:
He put the phone down and went back to the sleeping-room.
At school Jan Mark was told the story of the creation of the world according to the Bible.
That made a big impression.
He stood up and went to the window and looked outside.
Everybody was watching.
Than he said with a big sigh:
" And God saw, that everything was all right!"
He was given a bike on three wheels, but he liked the skelter more.
With his mother he sat on the bike and drove over a road where the train was passing. You had to cross the rails.
He called it the "BOING, BOING".
That made a big impression.
He stood up and went to the window and looked outside.
Everybody was watching.
Than he said with a big sigh:
" And God saw, that everything was all right!"
He was given a bike on three wheels, but he liked the skelter more.
With his mother he sat on the bike and drove over a road where the train was passing. You had to cross the rails.
He called it the "BOING, BOING".
This was the first time that he made acquaintance with the railroad, playing a very important part later in his life.
He played in the garden with his brother.
Mother tied them to a tree with a long rope, so they were not able to break out once more.
Like they said, they played in the "DOLIN", which means probably outside the house. Behind the garden there was a kind of playground for schoolchildren to play outside the school.
They liked to play there because of the space.
He played in the garden with his brother.
Mother tied them to a tree with a long rope, so they were not able to break out once more.
Like they said, they played in the "DOLIN", which means probably outside the house. Behind the garden there was a kind of playground for schoolchildren to play outside the school.
They liked to play there because of the space.
When daddy was angry they said:
"You will get for your flowers!"
This was so because they were hit on their trousers when they destroyed the flowers in the garden.
They blamed each other with the words:
"Little brother did it!"
When his sister was due to be born Jan Mark suggested to call her "VAAS".
"You will get for your flowers!"
This was so because they were hit on their trousers when they destroyed the flowers in the garden.
They blamed each other with the words:
"Little brother did it!"
When his sister was due to be born Jan Mark suggested to call her "VAAS".
More and more he began to like the train and they gave him a railway set with a whistle , a cap, signboard and so on.
When living on a camping in the summer he wanted a megaphone.
Now he could call for attention over the whole camping.
When living on a camping in the summer he wanted a megaphone.
Now he could call for attention over the whole camping.
The real riding the bike on 2 wheels was not a success.
His father did not want him to stay behind on this point.
So he grasped him in the neck after removing the extra wheels and he began running. Jan Mark had to keep up the pace.
At first there were tears, but soon he was getting hold of the bike.
His father let go and he could do it on his own.
The real riding the bike on 2 wheels was not a success.
His father did not want him to stay behind on this point.
So he grasped him in the neck after removing the extra wheels and he began running. Jan Mark had to keep up the pace.
At first there were tears, but soon he was getting hold of the bike.
His father let go and he could do it on his own.
He went to the hospital to be operated upon (hernia)
He did not like to be there.
His mother had to write for him:
"Jan Mark is afraid in the hospital!"
In this period he also slipped on his bike on the bridge over the canal near his house. His knee was open.
He did not like to be there.
His mother had to write for him:
"Jan Mark is afraid in the hospital!"
In this period he also slipped on his bike on the bridge over the canal near his house. His knee was open.
He liked to play Saint-Nicolas like his nephew did.
Marthijs was"Zwarte (black) Piet" and dressed up like them they were taken by their father to the school-children (age16) to celebrate Saint-Nicolas.
They handed out the presents.
When staying at his grandparents he fell off a toy horse standing in a shop.
In the pony park where the family was staying he grabbed Liannes pony, that was running away.
He liked to play Saint-Nicolas like his nephew did.
Marthijs was"Zwarte (black) Piet" and dressed up like them they were taken by their father to the school-children (age16) to celebrate Saint-Nicolas.
They handed out the presents.
When staying at his grandparents he fell off a toy horse standing in a shop.
In the pony park where the family was staying he grabbed Liannes pony, that was running away.
Jan Mark walked in his sleep.
He even went outside the house because they found grass in his bed the next morning. Lego was his favourite kind of toy, especially the technical kind.
He could play hours with it.
He even went outside the house because they found grass in his bed the next morning. Lego was his favourite kind of toy, especially the technical kind.
He could play hours with it.
He could be so busy playing that there came night mares .
He woke up and said:
"There are men in my room!"
In a kind of basin in the garden used for compost he tried to let grow frogs.
He liked animals very much.
The dogs of his granddad were his soul mates.
In a recreation park he used to greet the ducks by shouting loud:
"Ente, ente" (German for duck) and in Limburg in the south of Holland he lived in a caravan were he met a turkey.
He could be so busy playing that there came night mares .
He woke up and said:
"There are men in my room!"
In a kind of basin in the garden used for compost he tried to let grow frogs.
He liked animals very much.
The dogs of his granddad were his soul mates.
In a recreation park he used to greet the ducks by shouting loud:
"Ente, ente" (German for duck) and in Limburg in the south of Holland he lived in a caravan were he met a turkey.
So Jan Mark was shouting:
"Koelie,Koelie" and "Cold Turkey. "
In Enkhuizen he made a trip with the steam train and in this time he took an interest in music .
He liked the Beatles and there came a band "Tjobbe en zijn rekels"
First they "played back" and later they made their own music.
"Koelie,Koelie" and "Cold Turkey. "
In Enkhuizen he made a trip with the steam train and in this time he took an interest in music .
He liked the Beatles and there came a band "Tjobbe en zijn rekels"
First they "played back" and later they made their own music.
Going to the secundary school his father and uncle were teachers there.
That was not a problem.
Niels was his friend.
He also liked the railway. Jan Mark could blow the wind in the class and blame Niels for that.
He smoked cigars at that time with his brother and two nephews.
The smoke was to see behind the hedge between garden and playground.
Because of his interest in trains he was taken tot the head office in Utrecht of the Dutch railway company.
Going to the secundary school his father and uncle were teachers there.
That was not a problem.
Niels was his friend.
He also liked the railway. Jan Mark could blow the wind in the class and blame Niels for that.
He smoked cigars at that time with his brother and two nephews.
The smoke was to see behind the hedge between garden and playground.
Because of his interest in trains he was taken tot the head office in Utrecht of the Dutch railway company.
There they gave him a lot of information and advised him tot go as far with his studies as possible. Everything came all right when Jan Mark could get a free railway ticket for students when he was
Now he could travel all over the country for free.
He gathered a lot of things.
There came in the garden a real railway signpost.
He felt like a fish in the water when he went to the secondary technical school. He made a lot of photographs of trains.
Now he could travel all over the country for free.
He gathered a lot of things.
There came in the garden a real railway signpost.
He felt like a fish in the water when he went to the secondary technical school. He made a lot of photographs of trains.
He made a lot of trips with Niels and together with other railwayfans there came a real railwaymagazine "Het tribunaal" (Mark the choice of the name).
In this period they saw each other once or twice a year, because they lived all over the country.
In this period they saw each other once or twice a year, because they lived all over the country.
He worked in a hospital changing TL- tubes and he also worked in a tobacco factory, but never really smoked cigarettes.
He stayed at his granddads for a learning period at Hak ( earth cleaning company) and his granddad learned him to eat:
"Have some more. You must eat!"
He went to the primary technical school and helped his father with the technical aspects of musicals, show of pictures for the school of his father.
He stayed at his granddads for a learning period at Hak ( earth cleaning company) and his granddad learned him to eat:
"Have some more. You must eat!"
He went to the primary technical school and helped his father with the technical aspects of musicals, show of pictures for the school of his father.
Than he left home for Sweden and did not really come back.
His first Christmas there was a lonely one.
But he met Lisa.
He took a stroll with her and they talked a lot.
And so..................
Than he left home for Sweden and did not really come back.
His first Christmas there was a lonely one.
But he met Lisa.
He took a stroll with her and they talked a lot.
And so..................
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